Scroll to the end and prevent section-move with delay

If you use `scrollOverflow` to scroll the higher content in Sections or Slides, you can also use `scrollOverflowEndPrevent` option to set the scroll-end-prevent function

Notice, the scroll-end-prevent function works in the situation: when scroll bar is not reached the page end (top or bottom) named status (1), if the scroll bar is reached the page end (top or bottom) named status (2),
when status (1) => (2), the scroll-end-prevent will work, it will prevent section-move, if status (1) => (2) plus the mousewheel is not terminate, it will trigger the section-move when the time greater than or equal to the delay, which time is started when status becomed (2),
but if delay setted with 0, it will trigger section-move when status (1) to (2).
if the scroll bar is in status (2), it meaning the scroll bar is reached the page end (top or bottom), when mousewheel happend it like the status (2) => (2), well this would trigger section-move.

the option `scrollOverflowEndPrevent` has two attributes named `delay` and `reversal`, `delay`(unit:ms) used to set delay time for section-move with the incessancy mousewheel when scroll bar reached the page end (top or bottom) likes status (1) => (2)
this page is set `delay` 500, you can also set the value with your fact. if you set it `-1`, it meaning always prevent section-move when scroll bar reached the page end (top or bottom) when status (1) => (2).
the default value is 0, it likes the same effects with fullpage before.

the `reversal`(boolean) attribute is set to switch the situation like this: when scroll bar is in status (2), and the mousewheel dirction let it leave the page end plus change the mousewheel dirction let it reached the page end again without mousewheel terminate,
like status (2) => (1) => (2), when `reversal` is false, it will prevent section-move, when `reversal` is true, it will trigger section-move.

this page is set `delay` 500 and `reversal` false.

Finally, my English is not good, if I said unsharp, you can @lanbomo in this issue


Eu nec ferri molestie consequat, vel at alia dolore putant. Labore philosophia ut vix. In vis nostrud interesset appellantur, vis et tation feugiat scripserit. Te nec noster suavitate persecuti. Diceret erroribus cu vix, alii omnes ei sit. Sea an corrumpit patrioque, virtute accumsan nominavi et usu, ex mei dolore vocibus incorrupte. Duo ea saperet tacimates. Sed possim prodesset no, per novum putent doctus ea. Eu mea magna aliquip graecis, pri corpora officiis complectitur ei, lorem saepe consetetur his ad. Meis consulatu ei vis, an altera ocurreret interesset qui. Eu ponderum comprehensam his, case antiopam pri te. Mel ne partem consequat instructior. Ad dicunt malorum sea, ex qui omnes invenire gubergren. Ius cu autem aliquando, pri vide ornatus perpetua an, no has epicuri verterem. Nam at animal pertinax efficiantur. Eu ponderum comprehensam his, case antiopam pri te. Mel ne partem consequat instructior. Ad dicunt malorum sea, ex qui omnes invenire gubergren. Ius cu autem aliquando, pri vide ornatus perpetua an, no has epicuri verterem. Nam at animal pertinax efficiantur. Eu ponderum comprehensam his, case antiopam pri te. Mel ne partem consequat instructior. Ad dicunt malorum sea, ex qui omnes invenire gubergren. Ius cu autem aliquando, pri vide ornatus perpetua an, no has epicuri verterem. Nam at animal pertinax efficiantur. Per alienum torquatos eu.

Also in sections

Eu nec ferri molestie consequat, vel at alia dolore putant. Labore philosophia ut vix. In vis nostrud interesset appellantur, vis et tation feugiat scripserit. Te nec noster suavitate persecuti. Diceret erroribus cu vix, alii omnes ei sit. Sea an corrumpit patrioque, virtute accumsan nominavi et usu, ex mei dolore vocibus incorrupte. Duo ea saperet tacimates. Sed possim prodesset no, per novum putent doctus ea. Eu mea magna aliquip graecis, pri corpora officiis complectitur ei, lorem saepe consetetur his ad. Meis consulatu ei vis, an altera ocurreret interesset qui. Eu ponderum comprehensam his, case antiopam pri te. Mel ne partem consequat instructior. Ad dicunt malorum sea, ex qui omnes invenire gubergren. Ius cu autem aliquando, pri vide ornatus perpetua an, no has epicuri verterem. Nam at animal pertinax efficiantur. Eu ponderum comprehensam his, case antiopam pri te. Mel ne partem consequat instructior. Ad dicunt malorum sea, ex qui omnes invenire gubergren. Ius cu autem aliquando, pri vide ornatus perpetua an, no has epicuri verterem. Nam at animal pertinax efficiantur. Eu ponderum comprehensam his, case antiopam pri te. Mel ne partem consequat instructior. Ad dicunt malorum sea, ex qui omnes invenire gubergren. Ius cu autem aliquando, pri vide ornatus perpetua an, no has epicuri verterem. Nam at animal pertinax efficiantur. Per alienum torquatos eu.

Even inside slides

Scrolling slide


Eu nec ferri molestie consequat, vel at alia dolore putant. Labore philosophia ut vix. In vis nostrud interesset appellantur, vis et tation feugiat scripserit. Te nec noster suavitate persecuti. Diceret erroribus cu vix, alii omnes ei sit. Sea an corrumpit patrioque, virtute accumsan nominavi et usu, ex mei dolore vocibus incorrupte. Duo ea saperet tacimates. Sed possim prodesset no, per novum putent doctus ea. Eu mea magna aliquip graecis, pri corpora officiis complectitur ei, lorem saepe consetetur his ad. Meis consulatu ei vis, an altera ocurreret interesset qui. Eu ponderum comprehensam his, case antiopam pri te. Mel ne partem consequat instructior. Ad dicunt malorum sea, ex qui omnes invenire gubergren. Ius cu autem aliquando, pri vide ornatus perpetua an, no has epicuri verterem. Nam at animal pertinax efficiantur. Eu ponderum comprehensam his, case antiopam pri te. Mel ne partem consequat instructior. Ad dicunt malorum sea, ex qui omnes invenire gubergren. Ius cu autem aliquando, pri vide ornatus perpetua an, no has epicuri verterem. Nam at animal pertinax efficiantur. Eu ponderum comprehensam his, case antiopam pri te. Mel ne partem consequat instructior. Ad dicunt malorum sea, ex qui omnes invenire gubergren. Ius cu autem aliquando, pri vide ornatus perpetua an, no has epicuri verterem. Nam at animal pertinax efficiantur. Per alienum torquatos eu.

No limitations!

Content is a priority. Even if it is so large :)